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Hertfordshire and bedfordshire equine physiotherapy

What to expect

A consultation with A E Veterinary Physiotherapy will have several elements.


Following an appointment request and initial conversation to gain a full understanding of the animal's general condition and history  a consent form will be provided for completion by the animal's registered vet prior to physical assessment and treatment. An owner consent form will also need to be completed prior to physical assessment and treatment.


Each consultation will include full assessment of conformation, gait, palpation and range of motion to identify key areas that require treatment. Exercises will also be prescribed to suit your animal's needs.


Physiotherapy may be required on a regular basis for rehabillitation or as little as a few times per year for maintenance or fitness purposes. Each condition is different which is why assessing each animal before treatment is essential.


Treatment sessions include:


  • Massage

  • Myofascial release

  • Stretching

  • Proprioceptive stimulation/ exercises

  • Laser therapy

  • Photizo light therapy

  • Exercise regime and home management advice



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